International Council on Monuments and Sites Malaysia

ICOMOS Malaysia at a Glance
ICOMOS Malaysia forms part of the ICOMOS international network of multi-disciplinary professionals involved in conservation of tangible and intangible heritage. It is an independent organisation which acts as a national and international link between public authorities, institutions and individuals involved in the study and conservation of all places of cultural heritage significance. At a national level, the Committee serves as a forum for discussion and information exchange, nationally and internationally, on matters of doctrine and of technical, legal and administrative practices, affecting the conservation, restoration, rehabilitation and enhancement of monuments, groups of buildings, and sites. The ICOMOS Malaysia National Committee represents ICOMOS’ interests at the national level, and our members’ views within the international network. At present, our membership expands to 90 professionals across the country, made up of government servants, academicians and private practitioners. We engage our members in national and regional initiatives.
ICOMOS Malaysia is a channel through which local individual specialists could take part in ICOMOS' international activities including, for example, specific missions entrusted to ICOMOS by UNESCO.
Our remit is to:
Provide a forum for those involved in the conservation of cultural heritage in Malaysia
Encourage contact between heritage and conservation professionals on specialist and general issues
Work for higher standards in the conservation of cultural heritage
Play a leading role in implementing the World Heritage Convention within Malaysia and in promoting best practice in managing Malaysia’s World Heritage Sites
Provide links with the international network of ICOMOS members
Promote international best practice through events, seminars and publications while encouraging a wide understanding of the scope and value of cultural heritage
Opening clip courtesy of Pusat Penyelidikan Arkeologi Global ©Firdaus Hadzri

“Be a slave to your heritage. Learn (from it) before you legislate”
Datuk Seri Ar. Lim Chong Keat
Pioneer Malaysian Architect

PAM Centre, 99L, Jalan Tandok, Bangsar, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia