ICOMOS Malaysia Emerging Professionals (EP)
The ICOMOS International Emerging Professionals Working Group (EPWG) was established in 2017, in response to the 2016 ICOMOS Annual Report's call for expansion of the Emerging Professional membership base. International and regional teleconferences are organised by the EPWG, to track the progress of ongoing initiatives, share updates, and further engage emerging heritage practitioners, in the role of an ICOMOS Working Group.
ICOMOS Malaysia Emerging Professionals (EP) are a group of heritage practitioners from various fields under the age of 45. Accumulating their technical knowledge, the group conducts public lectures and heritage-related programs to promote a wider understanding of local heritage at all levels.
Heritage School Rehabilitation Program
#myheritageschools #heritage4generations
Did you go to a heritage school? If so, we hope you’ll be interested in our latest project, the Heritage School Rehabilitation Program. Initiated by ICOMOS Malaysia Emerging Professionals (EP), this program consists of 3-phases that will eventually look into a Maintenance and Management Plan for Heritage Schools; involving students, ICOMOS EP and relevant agencies.
Target Outcomes
Phase 1:
1. Inventory List for Heritage Schools in Malaysia
Phase 2:
1. Pilot Project: Victoria Institution and St. John's Institution - two heritage school buildings listed by Department of National Heritage (JWN): set up a Heritage Club/ Heritage Corner/Quiz at respective schools.
2. Heritage Club in Schools – connect Schools with ICOMOS Malaysia EP & involve others (history, technical know-how, etc.).
3. Heritage School Ambassadors & Heritage Badge (EP and Schools) & School Model.
4. Invite student membership with ICOMOS Malaysia.
Phase 3:
1. Heritage School Maintenance & Management Plan.
2. Annual program – cleaning, repairing & repainting of school building undertaken by students
3. Platform for technical know-how for other potential schools (plan for listing), Setting up Heritage Club & Heritage Corner, Maintenance & Management Plan.
4. Long-term partner in Heritage Schools’ events: Inter-School Competition, Year-End Workshop, Heritage Act Classrooms, Camp Night at Heritage Schools, Participating in World Heritage Day, School Holiday Tours, Photos Contest, etc.
5. Website on Heritage Schools in Malaysia.
6. Conference/ Symposium/ Publication/ Research Study
The team has kicked-off the first phase, compiling an inventory of all types of heritage schools in Malaysia. St. John’s Institution (mission school) and Victoria Institution (non-mission school) are proposed as pilot projects. We are now looking for Project Partners. Do contact us if you would like to collaborate.
The project poster presents the program ideas and objectives further (click link below to view). You may contact the team at myheritageschools@gmail.com for further queries.

The Old Loke Hall Heritage & Conservation Sharing Session
The Old Loke Hall, once upon a time the town residence of Loke Chow Kit, is today an event hub known as Rumah Tangsi, managed by Seetizens Lab. 25 architecture students from Taylor's University undertaking the Module for Heritage Conservation Theories, Principles & Practice attended a sharing session at Rumah Tangsi on 17 September 2019.
Ar. Ridha Razak introduced Seetizens Lab and its initiative at Rumah Tangsi, Mariana Isa presented the goals of ICOMOS while contractor Alif Zakaria explained the conservation methods and challenges faced while completing works at the building. The students had the chance to practice recording floor tile patterns and identify colour palettes.
This sharing session was organised by Taylor's University School of Architecture, supported by ICOMOS Malaysia & Rumah Tangsi. Special thanks to Delliya (Taylor's University); Hafiz & Ar. Ridha (Seetizens Lab); Alif Zakaria (Tajong Putih Enterprise); Mariana Isa & Ar. Yong Chee Keat (ICOMOS Malaysia)
ICOMOS Malaysia Youth Engagement
Our very first Youth Engagement Program, Jalan Pagi KL: An On Site Review of Urban Design Interventions in Kuala Lumpur's Historic Quarter on 18 March 2018.